Screenshot of the shape highlighter in devtools displaying a circular motion path, as a result of the `offset-path` property
Categories: News

Unboxing More DevTools Powers, and Reusable Delights – These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 144


  • Several Developer Tools updates landed thanks to the DevTools team and fellow contributors. Be sure to check out the DevTools section for more details.
    • Nicolas enabled the shape highlighter in devtools for offset-path property (bug)

Screenshot of the shape highlighter in devtools displaying a circular motion path, as a result of the `offset-path` property

    • Logan Rosen fixed a color contrast issue in the inspector image preview (bug)

A before and after comparison of the devtools inspector image preview. In the before image, the image dimensions label has poor colour contrast and is difficult to read. In the after image, its colour contrast is improved and is easier to read.

Friends of the Firefox team

Resolved bugs (excluding employees)

Script to find new contributors from bug list

Volunteers that fixed more than one bug

  • Ganna
  • Gregory Pappas [:gregp]

New contributors (🌟 = first patch)

Project Updates

Add-ons / Web Extensions

WebExtensions Framework
  • As per the deprecation plan described in Bug 1827910 comment 1 – in Firefox 118 – the browser_style manifest.json option is not supported anymore for Manifest Version 3 extensions (Bug 1830711)
  • In Firefox 117, we introduced new UI controls for the Quarantined Domains feature in the extensions panel and the extension action context menu (Bug 1838234)
WebExtension APIs
  • In Firefox 117, Manifest Version 2 extensions with a granted activeTab permission will be able to use tabs.executeScript to inject content scripts into dynamically created iframes that are same origin with the top level context (Bug 1841483)
Addon Manager & about:addons
  • Applied a few toolkit-level changes (along with a few tweaks at the browser level) to the AddonManager internals in order to support the mozAddonManager-based install flow on GeckoView (Bug 1822640, Bug 1845745, Bug 1845749, Bug 1845820)

Developer Tools

  • Contributors
    • Gregory removed the unused preference (bug)
  • Nicolas added preview support for HighlightRegistry objects (used in Custom Highlight API) in Console/Debugger (bug)

A before and after comparison of preview support for `HighlightRegistry` objects in the devtools console. In the before image, no entry details are displayed in the console for a `HighlightRegistry` object. In the after image, entry details such as keys and values can be seen.

  • Hubert improved Debugger preview tooltip (bug)

A before and after comparison of the devtools debugger preview tooltip. In the before image, the tooltip is not very informative and contains minimal `prototype` details. In the after image, there is an additional property `Date` displayed in the tooltip.

  • Hubert migrated the whole Debugger codebase away from JSX (bug)
  • Hubert fixed an issue in Netmonitor where resend request was blocked by Opaque Request Blocking (bug)
WebDriver BiDi
  • Sasha implemented the browsingContext.activate command which will force a given browsing context to become visible by moving its tab and window to the foreground (bug)
  • Sasha added the background argument to browsingContext.create which allows users to decide if new tabs and windows should be in the background (bug)
  • Sasha also fixed a bug on Android to make sure the correct tab was selecting when using background: true (bug)
  • Henrik added a type field to events and responses coming from WebDriver BiDi so that clients can easily process them (bug)
  • Julian updated our vendored Puppeteer to version 20.9.0 with many new tests passing for the BiDi implementation: 385 passing tests compared to only 125 before the update (bug)

ESMification status

Lint, Docs and Workflow

Migration Improvements

  • An experiment is underway on the release channel that allows people to migrate some Chrome extensions into Firefox! We’re running this experiment with a small population for about a month to make sure that extensions migration is behaving properly out in the wild before we consider rolling this out more widely.
  • mconley
  • gregp got rid of some migration code that only works for unsupported versions of Windows


Search and Navigation

Storybook/Reusable Components

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