- sclements reports that the Information Management team is planning to roll out search and virtual lists in Firefox View for Firefox 123 (all features are in-tree but we’ll be enabling it all by default and landing a few additional fixes/enhancements in Nightly).
- For the impatient, or if you want to help test, you can enable this by setting browser.firefox-view.search.enabled and browser.firefox-view.virtual-list.enabled to true
- Dale has enabled Search Engine Rich Results in Firefox 122
- Firefox will now show you visually rich suggestions when the search engine provides additional data.
- Drew has enabled MDN Suggest results in Firefox 122
- Firefox will suggest interesting articles from MDN
Friends of the Firefox team
Resolved bugs (excluding employees)
Script to find new contributors from bug list
Volunteers that fixed more than one bug
- AAR.dev
- Jonas Jenwald [:Snuffleupagus]
New contributors (🌟 = first patch)
- 🌟 AAR.dev removed unnecessary else statement and changed the description of CPU utilization descriptor
- 🌟 realstealthninja removed the use of ‘else’ after ‘return’
- 🌟 Vsevolod Buzinov implemented see-through PiP video player mode
Project Updates
Add-ons / Web Extensions
WebExtensions Framework
- Investigated and fixed too high Disk IO hit when the event page idle timer was reset on WebExtensions API calls, due to a glean metric being recorded on idle timer resets (Fix uplifted to Firefox 121 where the regression was originally introduced) – Bug 1868960
- We’re working on the new taskcluster jobs to run tp6 and tp6m perftests on Firefox Desktop and Firefox for Android instances with real WebExtensions installed. A big shout-out to sparky for his amazing support! The new jobs have been landed as tier-3 (Bug 1859549) while we work on a few more related follow-ups:
- A new linter is being created to explicitly validate changes to the “addons” properties set on condprof customization files (Bug 1868144)
- Promoting the new tp6/tp6m webextensions jobs to tier-2 is tracked by Bug 1867781
- Deprecating the talos real world extensions test is tracked by Bug 1869513 (blocked on promoting the new jobs to tier-2 and having confirmed the new perftests will generate the expected alerts and fully replace the old talos test)
Developer Tools
- Nazim and Alex collaborated to land a first minimal implementation of JS Tracer export to the Gecko Profiler (bug)
- In console, start tracing with :trace –logMethod profiler
- example of trace recorded on MDN, shown in profiler UI: https://share.firefox.dev/3GCLN6U
- NOTE: timings are not accurate, this is still a WIP, but feedback is welcome
- (tracer is still behind devtools.debugger.features.javascript-tracing)
- Julien (from profiler team) made the profiler tab to open just after the currently selected tab (bug)
- Emilio fixed an issue where text of stylesheet could not be fetched (bug)
- Nicolas added link capability to popovertarget attribute in the markup view (bug)
- Nicolas added beforetoggle and toggle event in the event listener breakpoints panel in the Debugger (bug)
- Alex fixed $ and $$ helpers so they can be instantly evaluated (bug)
- Nicolas fixed a few accessibility issues in the toolbox
- Add label to Objects toggle/arrow buttons (bug)
- Make Inspector Rules view expandable containers (Pseudo elements, keyframes, …) keyboard accessible (bug)
- Add proper aria attributes to Rules view top toolbar toggle buttons (:hov, .cls, print and dark/light mode simulation) (bug)
- Add proper label to the “Add new CSS property” control (bug)
WebDriver BiDi
- A collaboration with the pdf.js team was done to run pdf.js puppeteer integration tests with WebDriver BiDI (meta bug)
- Sasha improved support for multi-click detection (double click, triple click and so on) when performing actions with Marionette and with WebDriverBiDi (bug)
- This allowed Sasha to fix another issue where a double click was reported when the mouse cursor was moved (bug)
- Henrik fixed a regression with Selenium atoms, making the “Get Visible Text” atom usable for elements located within a closed Shadow DOM again (bug).
- Julian and Sasha implemented the “network.authRequired” event which is emitted when a network request requires authentication and prompts for credentials (bug)
- Sasha fixed serialization of WindowProxy for out-of-process iframes (bug)
ESMification status
- ESMified status:
- browser: 89%
- toolkit: 99%
- Total: 96.48% (up from 96.41%)
- #esmification on Matrix
Lint, Docs and Workflow
- The whitespace and file permission linters now run on yaml files (e.g. metrics.yaml)
- All production files are now named using the .worker.*js syntax.
- Additionally, we have turned on no-unused-vars on a global scope for workers.
Migration Improvements
- From other browsers:
- mconley has a fix up to make importing history from Safari more reliable when Safari stores invalid URLs
- To other devices:
- mconley is also investigating using the SQLite Online Backup API to allow users to create an archive of most SQLite databases. This is an interesting API because it lets us copy SQLite databases while they’re still in use.
New Tab Page
- mconley is doing a bit of refactoring and rearchitecting as the new team spins up. He:
- Moved about:welcome’s code out to browser/components/aboutwelcome
- Removed the Snippets client-side infrastructure
- This means that the FirefoxHome Snippets enterprise policy is going to be inert from Firefox 122 onwards.
- Is in the process of moving the ASRouterAdmin UI out to browser/components/asrouter and viewable at about:asrouter
- Will eventually move the rest of the ASRouter code out from the newtab codebase, so that browser/components/newtab is only about newtab stuff.
- Is slowly converting TelemetryFeed.test.js to an xpcshell test, which lets us convert TelemetryFeed.jsm to TelemetryFeed.sys.mjs.
Search and Navigation
- Dao is working on a contextual result to inform users about additional Firefox Suggest functionality when opting in to our responsible data collection.
- Notable bug fixes
- Dale implemented a workaround for broken Switch to Tab results, if the target tab can’t be found a new tab will be opened. Investigation will continue to find the underlying reason.
- Drew has fixed a case where browser.urlbar.maxRichResults may be ignored by Firefox Suggest
- Work continues on search configuration improvements, telemetry, offline Firefox Suggest, hybrid search, https trimming and other activities.
Storybook/Reusable Components
- tgiles landed the new moz-card widget
- You can see this new card in action via ./mach storybook and then navigating to UI Widgets/Card in Storybook
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