- Integrated add-on abuse reporting landed in Firefox 68
- You need to enable the HTML-based about:addons by setting extensions.htmlaboutaddons.enabled to true in about:config
- The abuse reporting UI can be enabled by setting extensions.abuseReport.enabled to true in about:config
- Work on the new login manager UI is progressing well
- To see it go to about:config and set signon.management.page.enabled to true
- Then load about:logins (will need to set the pref before loading the page)
- Initial password generation code has also landed
- WIP UI that only works on autocomplete=”new-password” fields
- This is very early in the project so there is no additional attempt to save the generated password.
- www.facebook.com is a good test page.
- Enable both prefs to test the feature:
- signon.generation.enabled is the user pref to enable/disable the feature from about:preferences (UI not implemented yet).
- signon.generation.available controls whether the feature is available for users (e.g. if the about:preferences UI should show in the future).
- WIP UI that only works on autocomplete=”new-password” fields
- The DevTools Inspector color picker widget just got a bit of a re-design. Thanks Maliha Islam [:maliha] for pushing this over the edge!
Friends of the Firefox team
- New interns!
- Mandy Cheang (@mcheang, mandy__)
- Working on improving start-up performance
- Abdoulaye Ly (@Abdoulaye O. Ly, abdoulaye)
- Working on Fission
- Mandy Cheang (@mcheang, mandy__)
Resolved bugs (excluding employees)
Fixed more than one bug
- Florens Verschelde :fvsch
- Ian Moody [:Kwan]
- jaril
- Kestrel
- Monika Maheshwari [:MonikaMaheshwari]
- Tim Nguyen :ntim
New contributors (🌟 = first patch)
- Miriam made our column breakpoint UI less ambiguous
- Christoph Walcher made it so that network requests can be re-sent via the context menu in the Web Console
- Chujun Lu made it so that double-clicking on a logpoint entry in the side panel of the Debugger allows for quick editing
- clement.allain made it so that about:telemetry shows you the data collected from all process types by default! Here’s a mailing list post about that.
- matthewacha moved some context menu tests into their own folder, cleaning up the junk-drawer that is the “general” test directory
- 🌟 Megan Bailey made some of our Responsive Design Mode UI more readable
- Mrigank Krishan fixed a bug where sometimes the Request URL in the Network Monitor wouldn’t show the entire URL
- Myeongjun Go fixed a bug where a the WebExtension Cookie API would throw if attempting to set a cookie on an IP address rather than a domain name.
- Derek updated some of the maximum pane sizes in the Debugger
Project Updates
Activity Stream
- The new Pocket Newtab is on track for 68 with performance parity
- Slight regression with our usage of -webkit-line-clamp (thanks heycam for platform implementation!) and fixing with requestAnimationFrame (thanks performance best practices doc)
- We’ve made some progress on migrating our build process into Firefox / making it easier to develop on Activity Stream features
- Documentation in regular source tree docs!
- Ongoing work in this meta bug
- Introducing our new intern: Emily (:emcminn)!
Add-ons / Web Extensions
- As of Firefox 68, Discopane is now part of about:addons, rather than served from AMO
- ….and with those, about:addons is (mostly) in HTML in Firefox 68!
- … and it supports dark theme
- … and the detail view of an extension shows release notes in a tab
- … and a tab that shows the extension’s permissions (and a link to learn what they mean on SUMO)
- As part of the deprecation, we’ve replaced proxy.register in docs with proxy.onRequest
- Fixed a bug in proxy.onRequest where it was only matching http/https
- Exposed captive portal status
- Fixed a bug wherein when chrome_settings_overrides are added to an extension via an upgrade, the extension would … stop working (+67)
- Further fixes for issues discovered during armag-addon
- Work on the Lockwise addon is complete
- Final release waiting on localizers to translate strings
- Future Lockwise work will happen in tree as part of the Firefox Password Manager
- Removing this Lockwise item after this meeting
Developer Tools
Layout Tools
- Inactive CSS landed! It’s currently only ON by default in nightly (since 68) but will ship to everyone with Firefox 69. Bug 1306054. We will be adding a larger collection of warnings very soon too, to warn users about more tricky CSS cases.
- Expandable CSS warnings also landed (shipping with 68). This allows jumping directly from a CSS warning displayed in the console to a node in the inspector when the warning occurred inside a CSS rule. Bug 1093953.
- CSS Grid level 2 (subgrid) is close to shipping in Firefox. We’re getting the tooling for it ready in Firefox 69 so it’s easy to see the relationship between a grid and a subgrid.
- We’re continuing to prototype on WebCompat awareness tools. Our latest prototype is an addon that displays CSS compatibility information about a page from the Firefox toolbar. It now allows to jump from a warning into the Style Editor, and to open other browsers where issues occur. GitHub repo for the addon
- We’re also focusing on fixing the last few remaining issues preventing to support the <meta viewport> tag in RDM, and therefore simulate mobile devices better.
- We now have borders between messages to make them easier to read. Bug 1519904. Thanks Florens Verschelde :fvsch for your keen eye for details.
- It is possible to resend network requests that were logged in the console. Bug 1530138. Thank you Christoph Walcher.
- Column breakpoints are stable now and we’re super happy with it.
- Event breakpoints making good progress. The UI is ready and we’ll be landing the feature very soon. Follow along in this bug.
- Workers are now displayed in the source tree along all the other sources.
- The new logpoint feature is now even better with dedicated icons in the web console.
Remote Debugging
- The new about:debugging page will ride the trains with Firefox 69. A final QA testing phase will happen in beta 69 in a few weeks. The main implementation phase is over and the final few fixes have happened:
- Stay on the same page when reloading about:debugging (reconnects to remote runtimes automatically) (bug)
- Remember last temporary addon install directory (bug)
- Disable temporary addon installation if xpinstall.enabled is false (bug)
- Updated error message colors and borders
- New “Remote Debugging” menu item in the Web Developer menu
- Update for Fenix/Firefox Preview (name, icon and version) (bug)
- Abdoulaye has an initial version of the <select> dropdown working with Fission
- Neil has a version of drag and drop working with Fission! \o/
- mconley has a patch that makes PermitUnload work with Fission, but is blocked on some DOM work
- mconley is starting efforts to make the context menu work with Fission
- Have been investigating ESLint 6 and various issues
Password Manager
- New pref (signon.showAutoCompleteOrigins) to show login origins in autocomplete has landed. This will be enabled after subdomain autocomplete support lands.
- Telemetry to keep track of which entry point is used to open Saved Logins
- Chrome passwords with a NULL `action_uri` aren’t imported
- In progress are:
- Re-auth master password with notification bar
- Creating new logins
- Initial support for modal prompts
- Sorting the logins
- Startup main thread I/O test has landed.
- It is disabled on debug builds, on Windows Arm64, on beta(including devedition) and release.
- When this test fails, it uploads a profile of what happened as an artifact of the test job.
- Doug is looking into optimizing omni.ja compression with lz4
- LZ4 startupCache numbers looking quite good (session restore and startup_about_home_paint – I think the others are just other things)
- LZ4 omni.ja numbers are fairly *meh* on talos – still trying to work out the systemic (build-based) noise on local reference hardware.
- Doug is also figuring out if we can improve ordering within ordering within libxul to load it more efficiently
- mconley is removing stat calls in the startup cache code
- Gijs removed useless chrome.manifest reads
Performance tools
- Properly updating the URL state after publishing now.
- Improved algorithm to find idle threads at load time.
- Firefox Profiler now supports SimplePerf output format.
- Added more relevant information to window title to improve the searchability of tabs. Thanks to our GSoC student Raj!
- Transforms are usable inside stack chart via context menu now.
- Dave Justice is about to get a patch landed that decorates the tab that a Picture-in-Picture video is coming from
- Keyboard access and RTL support for Picture-in-Picture is still underway
- The tentative plan is to let this ship to Firefox 69 Beta / Dev Edition and get feedback from our users and web developers
Policy Engine
- ExtensionSettings policy finally landed (bug 1522823)
- Added a number of preferences to the new Preferences policy (bug 1545539)
- Download related policies (bug 1546973)
- Activity Stream policies (bug 1548080)
- Legacy Browser Support
- EXE built
- Able to test extension
- Working on IE BHO
- Investigating multiple intermittents on policy that have been around a while
- Nihanth landed initial code for protections panel, content will land in the coming weeks
- Erica working on about:protections for the Protection Report – fighting some tests, should land soon
- Johann working on restricting back/forward UI to pages with user interaction 🎉
- Service workers will now be deleted by “Forget About This Site”
- There’s now a message shown in the identity popup when the site is verified by an imported root certificate
Search and Navigation
- Working on a few regressions found while improving test coverage
wrote on