This is a guest post by Biraj Karmakar, who has been active promoting Mozilla and Mozilla software in India for over 7 years. Biraj is taking the initiative of organizing a series of workshops throughout the country to convince technical people to (mozillians or not) that may be interested in getting involved in Mozilla to use Firefox Nightly.
In my last blog, I have announced that Mozilla India is going to organize a special campaign on Firefox Nightly Usage in India. RSVP here.
Everything is set. Gearing up for the campaign.
BTW Recently we have organized one community call on this campaign. You can watch it to know more about how to organize events and technical things.
- How to get involved:
- Online Activities
- Telling and inviting friends!
- Create the event in social media!
- Writing about it on Facebook & Twitter.
- Posting updates on social media when the event is running.
- Running an online event like webinar for this campaign. Please, check the event flow.
- Blog posting regarding Firefox Nightly technical things, features and events.
- Offline Activities
- Introduction to Mozilla
- Introduction to Firefox Nightly Release cycle details
- Why we need Firefox Nightly users?
- Showing various stats regarding firefox
- Installing Nightly on participant’s PC
- WebCompat on Firefox Nightly
- How they can contribute in Nightly (QA and Promotion)
- Swag Distribution
- Online Activities
- Duration of Campaign: 2 months
- Total Number of offline events: 15 only.
- Hashtag: #INUsesFxNightly
- Duration of each event: 3-5 hours
Swag is ready!
For requesting swag, please read here.
Also, we have the budget for these events. You can request it. Know more here .
Other than that if you want to know more about activity format, event flow, resource and more thing, please read the wiki.
If you have a special query, please send a mail to Biraj Karmakar [brnet00 AT gmail DOT com]. Don’t forget to join our telegram group for a realtime chat.
Leo_sk wrote on